Daily Log

This post is my daily work log. I will write about everything I do every day. Hopefully, it acts as a motivation.

3 Aug 2023

What I have done today:
  • 5 hour of work in TH
  • 2 leetcode problem solved
  • met a new friend
  • finished one chapter of the book about Marxism
I have pondering about a problem — what would make me satisfy. I feel so void after a nice long chat with the new friend. Yes even after a nice long chat. Work in TH exhausted me. But even if I find a software engineering job, I couldn’t imagine myself being satisfied. This job could be just the old job I have in Hong Kong — relaxing, nice paying but an empty job.
My biggest motivation of earning money is to provide financial safety. I want to earn big money because I want to provide a good life for my family. But if the world is going to end, what’s the point of having a lot of money? I can imagine if the environment is going worse, the amount of resources would drastically decrease, wars would start, and the world would be in chaos. The money would not provide a good life for my family.
Earning money is one way I thought would fill the void within me. But no, it won’t. I am motivated by fear. Removing that fear wouldn’t make me feel full. Fulfilment is a state that cannot be obtained but to live in. I am in fulfilment. I can choose to live in it or not any second. If I am fulfilled, would I still choose emptiness? I don’t think so. What do I actually care about? I want to see a world in a state that is different from now, that is in utopia.
I am very hesitant about utopia because this word implies impossible. The book I am reading right now advocates that we should abandon growth in our economy. There is no perpetual growth. Instead, we should turn to Marxism. The earth should be common property. Power should not be in the hand of a country or organisation. It belongs to people. We work together. We make decisions together. We shouldn’t be managed from a top-down approach. How would that be possible?


2 Aug 2023

What I have done today:
  • first 5 hours in Tims! Exhausted, lots of practice in customer services
  • submit 5 job applications for the software engineer role
  • read 50% of a chapter of the book about Marxism
  • listen to the podcast of Ali about Squiggly Career, but honestly I forgot the majority. I remember something useful, but I don’t remember the content
    • Networking: should probably relisten
    • Make it easy for people to help you
    • Make them feel that they actually helped you
    • People take more when they give out


1 Aug 2023

What I have done today:
  • Chest and leg weight training - at the newly furnished gym of my condo!
  • Applied for 3 jobs
  • Finished the Tim Harton training
  • Read one chapter of a book about Marxist
  • Watch a bunch of Youtube videos and new episode of Korean Dramas
  • HR screening call with Evercommerce
  • How to start a company
    • Pick a niche, get to know the industry
    • Connect the people by using Facebook group
    • Use LLM to build industry specific AI, and the software
    • Sell the software
What I think of today?
  • Not the most productive day
  • Bad sleep last night, so a bit tired
  • Certainly wasted a lot of time watching videos
  • Not to band video entirely, but reduce. There are much better options than browsing video randomly, suck as reading or meditation or go for a walk or go to the gym


31 Jul 2023

What I have done today:
  • Ready to work at Tim Horton
  • Toilet was stuck so need to fix it
  • 30 min HIIT
  • Leetcode x2
  • Finished 80% of the book summary of Fastlane Millionair
  • Played Zelda for an hour, finished one chapter
  • Finished first section of you can heal yourself, restart the section and take it slow this time
  • Talk with Deepak
What I learnt
  • how to use chatGPT to write a resume ← should have built the system earlier


30 Jul 2023

What I have done today:
  • Leg exercise - an extra day of exercise, should do HIIT but my hand is hurt, so can only do leg. Wish I can go back to weight training
  • Finished half of the book summary of Fastlane Millionair
  • Bought clothing and shoes for work in Tim Harton
  • Finished 3 leetcode question
  • Finished Inception
  • Watched a bunch of YouTube video
  • Sold a software company without any code experience. Product: integrating data from different social media for content creators to create Media Kit
  • How to validate ideas? Present a clickable Figma prototype and ask people directly if they would use it
  • Importance of timing: He has this idea 4 years ago but he felt like the timing isn’t correct
  • Code itself has can’t build the moat, because it is almost a free tool everyone can use now, just like language. If you can build the product, others can do that too, so he exited (Background, the social media platform started offering similar solution already)
    • Actually, it can still be the money tree as long as it is not open source and complex enough, like gsap, but I don’t know how profitable that is
    • But I sort of agree with him
  • Strategic investment - look for investors who don’t just bring money, but also connections


29 Jul 2023

I have only 2 principles — prioritising health and sport and radical honesty to myself. I have only recorded what I have accomplished in the past. But I need to face honestly what I have done during the day. Be conscious of how you spend your day. It doesn’t matter what you do. It matters whether you’re making a conscious choice.
What I have accomplished?
  • [The Entrepreneur Stories Project ] Finished the frontend and backend CRUD of stories api
  • Read 5 chapters of You Can Heal Your Life
  • Joined a vegan meetup, ate a peanut butter doughnut and have a deep conversation with an Indian lady
  • Played Zelda for 30 minutes
  • Took 2 hours of Tim Harton online training course
  • Watch 2 episodes of 5 Star Chefs
  • Watch a bunch of YouTube video
  • Did 3 leetcode exercise
How would you rate your day?
  • Finished what I have planned to do
  • Glad that I joined the meetup. Always hesitate about whether I should join. But never got disappointed once
  • Learnt a lot from the reading, how to change beliefs, do affirmation and establish self worth


4 Jul 2023

Project: Kanban App
  • Built the UI of the kanban board
  • Built the database using mongodb and prisma
  • Finished the authentication logic
Meeting new friends
  • meet mentor Daniel from ADP List.
  • meet the founder of Virgl. Hopefully can join his program to help get a job
  • a video that I recommend from Turn-Key Solution. An introduction to one of its course about how to live your life in an environment that changes so fast. Really speaks to my heart.
  • Leg day
Things that I didn’t finish today
Finishing the kanban CRUD API
Start reading the book about speaking


5 Jul 2023

Haven’t got to the kanban CRUD API yet, but I finished the following
  • set up next-auth and sign-in, sign-out frontend and backend
  • add the ability to create projects
Some other important stuff:
  • not passing the training again, which mean I am jobless right again and have to search for other jobs in the hospitality industry, server or barista job. Partly it is my problem, my ability to multi-task in the kitchen and planned out the order of making everything is not enough. But I was given only 1 day of training only and it was an extremely physically demanding job. The barista in the frontend task can take a rest, talk and play on their phone when there is no customer. But I have to do everything in the kitchen including boiling teas, preparing the foam, pearls everything. There is no rest during that 8 hours, not a single minute. So I won’t take all the responsibility. I would only quickly move on and get my next job.


5 Jul 2023

Have been updating for a while, but I have already finished my portfolio and am ready to move on to another new project. Finally, I have to set my project management project aside because I want to roll out my portfolio as fast as possible. I have almost forgotten that the project management app is a demo app for the freelance business. I guess that will be good to keep doing that.
Right now the thing that I want to do in priorities are
  1. Find a temporary job
  1. Find volunteer job
Alongside I would keep
  1. Sending my resume to look for a programming job
  1. Writing blog post to consolidate my learning
What I still want to do is to build up my personal brand and network on LinkedIn


14 Jul 2023

  • 蛙化現象 (kaeruka genshou) means the phenomenon that the loss of feelings of love towards one person when you know that person also likes you
  • it happens more often in Japanese women because of the culture which makes them have lower self-esteem. When they know that the person they like also likes them, they would think that person is gross because that person loves them, who are normal, useless and have low self-esteem
  • how would he start building a business from scratch?
  • Step 1: Document your journey and publish it as a video, blog post, or tweet, to build an audience
  • Step 2: Learn a skill so that you can help the group of people for free
  • Step 3: Reach out to those people you care about and offer something for free, so you can build your portfolio
  • Step 4: Start charging and turn everything into a product
  • Step 5: Hire employees and design the system so that the money is generated from the system
  • Small deals and big deals are the same
  • People would sell their business even if it makes a profit because they are bored by it and don’t like it anymore
  • Businesses are like real estate, you can flip around and sell the business
  • Deal can be made if it makes a profit and you know someone who has the answer when you have a problem
    • how to read the balance sheet
    • how to find the right person to get the answer
  • A deal is not a zero-sum game. There are many ways to make a win-win
  • You don't sell anybody anything. You can't change anyone’s mind. You are finding the person’s trigger moment
  • Advice for young people: look at what you spend on, and try to get part of the business
  • Who Not How: gaining financial freedom is about the who, not how
  • Play long-term games with long-term people
  • The human who does are the one who follows up
  • Go to people with money, who is usually quiet. Go to the one with the biggest house in the town
  • Creating content is a way to connect with the world
  • Everyone should have ownership
  • The personal story app - Finished the UI
  • Leetcode exercise x 3
  • core exercise


15 Jul 2023

29 Creative Passive Income Ideas
  • Ideas that I think I would give it a try:
    • Write a guide
    • Wattpad on writing short stories
    • Buy a small business
    • Ask for a job. Everyone knows a business owner or two, or a wealthy person or two. Reach out to them and ask them if they have tasks they need done, problems they need solved, projects they don’t have time for, give them some ideas, and have them create you a job. My husband did this for a family office, a big influencer, and a slew of nonprofits. He starts out being very helpful and letting them know he’s looking for project work and it usually takes off from there.
  • Useful model
    • Creating something once, and selling it over and over again
    • Seller financing
  • The formula of success: Strategy x Execution x Consistency
  • What do we need to succeed? Time, Energy and Leverage
  • 5 tips on personal habits to increase productivity
    • Creative procrastination
    • Find a work that energizes you
    • Multitask - learn something while doing some automotive repetitive task
    • Use pieces of time
    • Do something everyday