Superconnect: How the Best Connections in Business and Life Are the Ones You Least Expect

A super connector does not just connect with people but also connects people. This book tries to explain how connection, especially weak connection, can bring unexpected positive events for a person, boost companies’ innovation and even improve poverty in society.
The society is linked by different networks. Here we define them as hubs. Within the hub, people have strong linkages. Just as we are influenced by the environment we grow up in, by our parents and friends, each hub has its own rules and logic. We tend to see through the lens that is defined by the hubs we are in. Therefore, if we don’t have any linkage outside the hubs, which is relatively weak compared to those within the hub, we would miss out on all the information outside the hub. Moreover, the weak link between two people is also an important linkage between two different hubs.
Imagine if we reach out to all the people we have linkage with, but not only to those we are close to, we will have to find the people who are the right fit to solve our problem, rather than just those who are available.
The world is linked by hubs and weak links. Within the hubs, every participant is linked with each other by strong links. Traditionally, we would think strong links are more important as they provide us with emotional support and a safety net. But in the book Super connector: How the best connections in business and life are the ones you least expect, the author argues that weak link has more influence on our lives than we think, sometimes, even more powerful than strong link. It can impact us on personal, company and societal levels.
On a personal level, weak links can help find the people who are the right fit to solve your problem and bring a fresh view that is inaccessible within our hubs.
On a company level, the weak link can boost innovation by enhancing collaboration across and within the industry.
On the society level, weak links can help solve poverty. Studies have shown that poor people tend to be more rely on strong links that are formed within the hubs. It results in lack of access to all the resources outside the society. If we can change that and allow more resources to flow in, we could help them to create some business and increase social mobility.
Some advice on how to build weak link:
  • regular contact with people (no need to be often)
  • join different hubs regularly
  • ask for help to those who you think can help you
  • be a regular customer in a place


個人主義圓處標榜,看上去卻一模一樣 做自己 表面風光,事實壓力很大,自我探索只不過尺集體思維的假扮現象
why did these two sentence appear? The negative effect of networks and groups (hubs in the book)? No one can escape conformity
What is network? It hast its own logic, rules. Every participant will be influenced by it
if you are too dependent on strong link, you would miss the valuable information that can only be acquired from outside the group (echo chamber)
相識者之間的weak link不只是點頭之交的關係,而是兩者緊密好友群之間的重要橋梁
EQ can be improved through weak link, as we get in touch with more diverse people
In person is better than virtual, coz it lacks the depth and feel of reality
you will get better as you practise making friends. the good first step is to remember their details
make link for others and they will make links for you
專注在人脈、資訊蒐集、構想等比立即找一份工作更重要 e.g. Geoff Cullinen
→ I tried to do the same, what did i do wrong? There is nothing wrong actually. Weak link will help you 1/100. it is a number game.
一年加一種新活動/ 成為某地方的常客
But i wonder one thing. All of the interviewees are successful in some degree. Obviously you need something that makes you stand out among the others so they would remember you.
At the young stage, skill and learning are the most important thing

Community and Business

致力增加效益 + 讓人們更容易了解
若能在遙遠的地方發現特殊的見解與新穎的構想,及與之建立weak link,便可能醞釀出新事業
  • The leader has a large enough business to divide up the cost
  • The leader also has much more experience on dealing with situation
  • but also i don’t understand, later in the book, the author also mentioned that there is a tendency companies to be more specialised, then how come there are enough business when companies divided up there work more and more? (see last chapter)
明星產業 < 網絡明星
In a network, everyone wants to be linked to the 樞紐, so naturally the bigger the network, the bigger the influence
→ 良性壟斷
the more people use the product, the better the product and it would take 80% of the market, which makes the success hard to replicate. But, network is also decentralised concentrated
concentrated, professionalised. yet when the market changed, new market will be split out.
that’s why the ideal business is 網絡明星
strong link in the company would hinder innovation. to boost innovation, increase mobility inside the company. more collaboration between people and informal meeting
weak link for innovation
strong link for executing what is there already



the real problem about poverty is
ppl live in a very strongly linked community, they are closed to external resources available out there